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Create dump your PostgreSQL Database with “pg_dump” tool
pg_dump --no-owner --exclude-table-data=device_stat_channel -U tvip-tms tvip-tms > /backup/tvip-tms.sql
If you need make dumps of others Databases
pg_dump --no-owner -U tvip-tms tvip-tms-audit > /backup/tvip-tms-audit.sql pg_dump --no-owner -U tvip-tms tvip-tms-vod > /backup/tvip-tms-vod.sql
Copy Dump of Database to new TMS Server with “scp” tool.
scp /backup/tvip-tms.sql username@host:/backup/
Before install TVIP TMS, you should install PostgreSQL and restore dump of Database.
Run this cli command:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
Make sure the locale is selected: “[*] en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8” and others locale what you need, and select them if you'd like it.
sudo apt -y install postgresql
sudo -u postgres psql createuser tvip-tms && createdb -O tvip-tms tvip-tms; \q
If you use other databases then create them:
sudo -u postgres psql createdb -O tvip-tms tvip-tms-audit; createdb -O tvip-tms tvip-tms-vod; \q
psql -U tvip-tms tvip-tms < /backup/tvip-tms.sql
psql -U tvip-tms tvip-tms update device set authkey = ''; \q
Make sure, your server has minimal system requirements
system requirements:
Installation is recommended on Ubuntu LTS 18.04, 20.04
echo "deb xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tms.list wget --quiet -O - | apt-key add - apt-get update apt-get install tvip-tms-standalone