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en:tvipstb_changelog:s500:linux-qt [2024/01/30 16:03]
Vladimir Manov
en:tvipstb_changelog:s500:linux-qt [2025/02/24 10:23] (current)
Vladimir Manov
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 ====== TVIP Application Release Notes for S-Box v.50x based on Linux-Qt OS ====== ====== TVIP Application Release Notes for S-Box v.50x based on Linux-Qt OS ======
-===== 5.0.79 (30.01.2024) beta =====+===== 5.0.92 (24.02.2025) beta =====
 +  * new: TMS Promo Channels support.
 +  * new: Activation of audio track switching with menu button over provisioning.
 +  * new: Support for switching channels with numbers more then 999 with RC.
 +  * new: Auto-detection on HLS player version (v3 and v4) for a stream.
 +  * new: Support for sending TMS user messages with images and SystemURI.
 +  * new: Support for TVIP CAS for MPEGTS.
 +  * fix: Fixed issue with aspect ratio change with RC in some cases.
 +  * fix: Fixed User-Agent for HLS in Chromium web-portals.
 +===== 5.0.85 (02.08.2024) release =====
 +  * new: Support for gapless pause feature for Mira Streamer in HLSv4 mode.
 +  * new: New WebVTT subtitle design in Watch TV.
 +  * new: Display of animation during radio channels playback in Watch TV.
 +  * new: HDMI status was added to player json stats.
 +  * fix: Fixed issue with loading multi-portal app in some cases.
 +  * fix: Fixed micro freezes during video playback in some cases.
 +  * fix: Updated multi-portal loader design
 +  * fix: Fixes in VoD app.
 +  * fix: Updated SSL certificates.
 +  * fix: Updated timezones database.
 +  * fix: Improved support for WebVTT subtitles.
 +  * fix: Fixes in gSTB API.
 +  * fix: Fixed playback error with some AAC-ADTS audio streams.
 +  * fix: Improved TMS Websocket stability.
 +===== 5.0.79 (30.01.2024) =====
 +  * new: HDMI-CEC name setup over provisioning.
   * new: Added new URL scheme <​nowiki>​rtsptcp://</​nowiki>​ for media player.   * new: Added new URL scheme <​nowiki>​rtsptcp://</​nowiki>​ for media player.
   * new: Added polish keyboard layout.   * new: Added polish keyboard layout.
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   * fix: Improved performance of subtitle rendering.   * fix: Improved performance of subtitle rendering.
-===== 5.0.74 (28.09.2023) ​ ​release ​=====+===== 5.0.74 (28.09.2023) =====
   * new: Next gen. IR remote help window would disappear after timeout.   * new: Next gen. IR remote help window would disappear after timeout.
en/tvipstb_changelog/s500/linux-qt.1706619785.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/30 16:03 by Vladimir Manov