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Android appstore configurator


Provides a simple way (web interface) to configure TVIP market and apps for the Android TVIP Appstore.


  1. Install docker and docker-compose on your server see docker installation
  2. Download docker-compose-example.yml and rename it to docker-compose.yml
  3. Edit docker-compose.yml and change the following variables:
    1. Required:
      • LE_FQDN to your real domain name for the app store (e.g. ``)
      • TZ to your timezone
      • LETSENCRYPT if 'true' the app store will be available via https (certificates will be requested from
      • LE_EMAIL needed for
      • ADMIN_PASSWORD to your desired password for the admin interface (required)
    2. Optional:
      • SSL_CERT if LETSENCRYPT is set to 'false' you can provide your own certificate. Default disabled.
      • SSL_KEY if LETSENCRYPT is set to 'false' you can provide your own certificate. Default disabled.
      • SSL_CHAIN_CERT if LETSENCRYPT is set to 'false' you can provide your own certificate. Default disabled.
  4. Run `docker-compose up -d` to start the app store configurator
  5. Open your browser and go to ``
  6. Login with username `admin` and password from `ADMIN_PASSWORD` in docker-compose.yml

Debian/Ubuntu way

Coming soon…

en/android_appstore_configurator.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/11 12:41 by Денис Цыганов