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tvip_tms_changelog [2023/11/29 14:43]
Денис Цыганов
tvip_tms_changelog [2024/12/09 11:20] (текущий)
Денис Цыганов
Строка 1: Строка 1:
 ====== TVIP TMS Changelog ====== ====== TVIP TMS Changelog ======
 +<WRAP center round info 60%>
 +Starting from December 2024, the changelog will be recorded only at https://​docs.tvip.tv/​en/​tms/​changelog.html.
 +==== 25.10.2024====
 +=== Fixed ===
 +TVIP API: fixed bug that caused the list of preferred providers to be displayed incorrectly in some cases
 +==== 16.10.2024====
 +=== New Features ===
 +**Promo Channels:**
 +Added support for promo channels. They will be displayed to the client under the following conditions:
 +  * In the provider editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​providers/<​provider_id>​),​ the "Show promo content"​ flag is set to "​true"​.
 +  * In the tariff editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​tariffs/<​tariff_id>​),​ the flag "Offer the package and its channels to users" is set, and the client is not subscribed to this tariff.
 +  * In the tariff editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​tariffs/<​tariff_id>​),​ the "Ban promo channels"​ flag is set to "​false"​ for tariffs the client is subscribed to.
 +**Admin UI:**
 +  * Removed outdated sections from the channel editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​channels/<​channel_id>​):​ "​Type",​ "​Aspect ratio",​ "​Encrypt",​ "​Description",​ "​Channel website"​.
 +  * Removed sections from the provider editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​providers/<​provider_id>​):​ "Auth key", "​Flussonic auth enabled"​.
 +  * Removed sections from the tariff editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​tariffs/<​tariff_id>​):​ "​Public",​ "Show on website"​.
 +  * Removed the "​Code"​ section from the tariff settings editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​tariffs/<​tariff_id>/​tariff_settings/<​tariff_setting_id>​).
 +  * Advertising Banners: Now you can set up an advertising banner for any tariff through the "​Advertising Banner"​ tab in the tariff editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​tariffs/<​tariff_id>​).
 +  * Media Rules: Added the ability to specify whether to use media rules when calculating links for LIVE/DVR streams through the channel editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​channels/<​channel_id>​).
 +  * Promo Content: In the provider editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​providers/<​provider_id>​),​ you can specify whether the provider allows the display of promo content to clients.
 +  * Tariff Prices: Added a function for setting the provider'​s tariff prices. Settings are available in the "​Tariffing"​ tab in the provider editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​providers/<​provider_id>​).
 +  * Promo for Tariffs: In the tariff editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​tariffs/<​tariff_id>​),​ you can specify whether to offer tariff channels as promos, as well as set a complete ban on displaying promo channels to tariff subscribers.
 +=== Improvements ===
 +Commands: Obsolete commands stored for more than 3 months will be automatically deleted in a lazy mode.
 +EPG: Added the ability to specify the storage period for the EPG archive imported from external data storage. Details can be obtained through TVIP TMS technical support.
 +Search: Improved search by phrases (two or more words).
 +Statistics: Optimized cleaning of channel viewing history.
 +Media Rules: Updated the logic for calculating links for LIVE/DVR channel streams, considering the "Use media rules" property from the channel editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​channels/<​channel_id>​).
 +Web Sockets: Improved performance and reduced memory consumption.
 +==== 06.08.2024 ====
 +=== New features ===
 +Admin UI: API access to Admin API or Provider API may be limited by specifying the appropriate sub networks in TVIP TMS configuration. If you need such limitations,​ you may ask more details on how this may be done via TVIP TMS technical support.
 +Admin UI: Added the feature to setup the advertising banner for any channel. This may be done via '​Advertising banner'​ tab on the channel edit form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​channels/<​channel_id>​).
 +Admin UI: Provider contact information may be added via provider edit form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​providers/<​provider_id>​). This information may be used as well as the provider contacts to make them available for TVIP API clients.
 +Admin UI: Since this release the provider may specify how long the statistics data must be available. This may be managed via provider edit form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​providers/<​provider_id>​) in section "​Device statistics depth"​.
 +Admin UI: Tariff attributes have been extended with reference information like a link to tariff description. This information may be updated via tariff edit form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​tariffs/<​tariff_id>​) in "​Extra"​ section. These data may be used as extra information for TVIP API clients.
 +Admin UI: Viewing history may be found in '​Channel viewing history'​ tab of channel edit form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​channels/<​channel_id>​).
 +General: Channel has been extended with 'Media type' attribute. It has two options - '​Radio'​ and '​TV'​ - and allows to specify if the particular channel provides video stream or audio stream only.
 +Platform API (experimental):​ Now it's possible to update the channel data via new Platform API. Please, pay attention that updating the channel is possible in a very limited manner. We're still researching what channel attributes may be changed not by Admin UI, but Platform API.
 +=== Improvements ===
 +TVIP API: Deprecated fields have been removed. This may affect TVIP API clients with old firmware version more than 3 years old and previous version of TVIP API web portal. Please, consider to update the STB firmware or begin to use new TVIP API web portal in such cases. You may ask more details via TVIP TMS technical support.
 +Media rules: In order to add extra relation between Media actions and Media servers - 'Media tags'. These tags may used to find out what media server must be used to get media - not only by priority, but by matching these tags.
 +Media rules: Media action has been extended with '​channelTag'​ attribute that allows to apply action to all channels that are included in the particular channel tag.
 +Admin UI: When inserting or updating the account or device subscription,​ only enabled tariffs will be available for assigning on device subscription edit form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​device_subscriptions/<​device_subscription_id>​) or account subscription edit form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​account_subscriptions/<​account_subscription_id>​).
 +Admin UI: Since this release media rules contain extra condition - '​Provider network settings'​ - that may be specified via edit form of media rule. It allows to define the media action apply policy for TVIP API client devices depending on whether these devices work from the provider network or not.
 +Commands: Outdated commands will be deleted for the database if they are stored more than 3 months periodically in a lazy manner.
 +EPG: Now you may specify how long archive of EPG that has been imported from the external EPG data store must be stored in TVIP TMS instance. If you need to specify this option, you may ask more details on how this may be done via TVIP TMS technical support.
 +EPG: Since this release the EPG item rating won't be taken from the item title, if specified. Only ratings specified in the appropriate section of EPG will be applied.
 +VNC: Added the cleanup procedure of information about closed VNC sessions it they are stored more than specified period - 3 months by default. The cleaning will be performed periodically in a background. If you need to specify this option, you may ask 
 +more details on how this may be done via TVIP TMS technical support.
 +=== Fixed ===
 +Admin UI: Fixed the issue when channel may not be deleted via Admin UI. Please, use this feature with caution. We recommend to disable the channel instead of deleting it. Delete any channel if it is really necessary.
 +Audit: Fixed the issue when massive changes in settings via Admin UI may affect the entire performance of TVIP TMS instance. We'll continue to improve performance of this feature as well as its accessibility via Admin UI in next releases.
 +Media rules: Fixed the issue when the allowing or prohibiting the TV archive was ignored during dynamic generating the channel URL's by using media rules.
 +==== 26.04.2024 ====
 +=== Fixed ===
 +TVIP API: Fixed the rare issue when some TVIP API clients may not receive list of channels, nevertheless all necessary settings have been made and TVIP API clients have been authenticated and authorized successfully.
 +=== Well-known issues ===
 +TVIP API: After installing the last release, some TVIP TMS instances may have issues, mainly, in operation of TVIP API clients with TVIP TMS via Web Sockets due to instability and unexpected unavailability of related services of TVIP TMS platform. This hot fix update will solve this issue.
 +==== 02.04.2024 ====
 +=== Important notes ===
 +Please pay attention that the 'Media rules' feature is still experimental and may contain some unknown issues.
 +=== New features ===
 +Media rules (experimental):​ We've released support of dynamic channel live and timeshift URL's. These URL's may be generated based on media rules and actions. Now you may specify how to generate channel URL for some groups of your TVIP TMS client devices. These groups may be organized by using parameters of media rules (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​media_rule_sorting). As a result, now you have two options how to setup channel URL's:
 +  * static configuration by using channel edit form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​channels/<​channel_id>​) and DVR server edit form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​dvr_servers/<​dvr_server_id>​). It's used by default and provide backward compatibility with your current channel settings
 +  * and dynamic configuration that may be specified using 'Media rules' section in Admin UI and 'Media Items' tab in channel edit form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​channels/<​channel_id>​). Please, pay attention that the dynamic URL configuration will be used only if static configuration (mainly, empty '​URL'​ field in channel edit form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​channels/<​channel_id>​).
 +Rules of generating the channel media URL's may be specified in flexible manner and allow to use some template fields (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​media_patterns/<​media_pattern_id>​). Also we've provided some predefined patterns that may be used 'as is' or as example for your own pattern.
 +=== Improvements ===
 +General: We've updated the framework and related libraries to fetch all up-to-date performance and security updates. Some libraries that have serious vulnerabilities have been removed or replaced with good ones.
 +General: In some cases TVIP TMS may have issues when connecting the event broker server (RabbitMQ in the current release). We've made some optimizations that reduce load to the event broker, as well as increase stability in connecting and reconnecting the server.
 +General: Default logging settings have been changed. Now '​application.log'​ file will contain no other log messages, but only TVIP TMS related errors from the particular service. It may help in researching the accidents with TVIP TMS.
 +Profile: Fixed the issue when number of account profiles may affect TVIP TMS instance performance due to its large quantity.
 +=== Well-known issues ===
 +Media rules: This issue relates to use cases with tariffs that have no '​Archive'​ tariff settings only. This use case means that timeshift is not allowed for TVIP API clients that are assigned to such tariffs. ​
 +Please pay attention that in case of using the dynamic channel URL configurations TVIP API clients with these tariffs will be able to still use timeshift regardless of absence of '​Archive'​ tariff settings. We'll fix this issue in next releases.
 +==== 27.02.2024 ====
 +=== Fixed ===
 +General: Some changes have been applied to correct the TVIP TMS logging.
 +General: Fixed the issue that some provider and account statistics may not be stored due to database storing limitations.
 +Admin UI: Fixed the issue that channel may not be removed using Admin UI. Please, pay attenation that deleting the channel leads to delete all the related data like EPG items.
 +Admin UI: Fixed the issue when the device edit form shows empty IP address if device connected without auth and provider "Allow to create new device upon request"​ option is enabled.
 +=== Improvements ===
 +General: Default data for new TVIP TMS installations now contain default network for default provider.
 +File: Some changes have been applied to reduce possible memory leaks.
 +==== 25.01.2024====
 +EPG: Fixed the issue when EPG import may be failed in some cases if EPG localizations are used.
 +EPG: Fixed the issue when DVR server URIs with composite path may cause a failure of DVR preview feature.
 ==== 29.11.2023==== ==== 29.11.2023====
tvip_tms_changelog.1701258215.txt.gz · Последние изменения: 2023/11/29 14:43 — Денис Цыганов