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tvip_tms_changelog [2024/10/16 16:34]
Денис Цыганов
tvip_tms_changelog [2024/12/09 11:20] (текущий)
Денис Цыганов
Строка 1: Строка 1:
 ====== TVIP TMS Changelog ====== ====== TVIP TMS Changelog ======
 +<WRAP center round info 60%>
 +Starting from December 2024, the changelog will be recorded only at https://​docs.tvip.tv/​en/​tms/​changelog.html.
 +==== 25.10.2024====
 +=== Fixed ===
 +TVIP API: fixed bug that caused the list of preferred providers to be displayed incorrectly in some cases
 ==== 16.10.2024==== ==== 16.10.2024====
Строка 36: Строка 47:
 Media Rules: Updated the logic for calculating links for LIVE/DVR channel streams, considering the "Use media rules" property from the channel editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​channels/<​channel_id>​). Media Rules: Updated the logic for calculating links for LIVE/DVR channel streams, considering the "Use media rules" property from the channel editing form (<​server.url>/​admin/​dashboard/​channels/<​channel_id>​).
 Web Sockets: Improved performance and reduced memory consumption. Web Sockets: Improved performance and reduced memory consumption.
tvip_tms_changelog.1729085642.txt.gz · Последние изменения: 2024/10/16 16:34 — Денис Цыганов